Announcing the MerseyDee Collective


4 min read

Cheshire Dance is excited to be part of the MerseyDee Collective, a new network for freelance creatives working in all aspects of performing arts and arts engagement.

The network is open to all freelancers who work in the arts and live or work in the Wirral, Cheshire West, Flintshire, Denbighshire and Conwy County.

Launched by Cheshire Dance, Storyhouse, Theatre Porto and Theatr Clwyd in autumn 2024, the Collective has been established to build networks and help freelancers find opportunities to sustain their careers.

It is free to sign up and members will receive:

  • Invitations to special ‘freelancer gatherings’ held at least twice a year, hosted by one of the lead organisations
  • Regular information about forthcoming job opportunities, in all aspects of performance, backstage and engagement activity
  • Training aimed at supporting freelancers to further their careers
  • Opportunities to book onto surgeries to meet creative staff in each lead organisation
  • Ticket offers and other opportunities to see work, including access to rehearsals and work in development

By collaborating, the four lead organisations involved hope that they can:

  • Create a better sense of an artistic community for freelancers living and working in the area
  • Retain artistic talent in the region by making it easier to find opportunities, make connections and see it as a place with a variety of artistic opportunities
  • Be better connected to local artists and freelancers
  • Increase the skills and expertise of artists in the areas by providing free and/or subsidised training opportunities

You can sign up here. Once you have submitted your details, you will receive a confirmation email.

Associate Organisations
Other organisations that have regular employment opportunities for freelancers working in performance and engagement are welcome to join as associate organisations. Please get in touch via

Date for the diary…
The first MerseyDee Collective Gathering will take place at Storyhouse in Chester on Tues 21 Jan from 2pm – 4pm. It will be an opportunity to meet staff from all four of the lead organisations as well as other creatives.

It’s free to attend – please sign up here.

Free training opportunities for freelancers
We are pleased to offer a series of training courses free to MerseyDee Collective members. Please follow the links below to book, but places are limited so individual members can sign up for a maximum of three courses:

Thu 14 Nov, 1pm – 3.30pm
Involving Children and Young People in Your Creative Projects
Theatre Porto, Ellesmere Port

Freelance artists often work directly with children and young people in creative settings, but how can we truly centre their voices in our projects? This session focuses on best practices for involving children and young people in your work. We’ll explore successful examples from a range of arts projects and discuss how to apply these approaches to your own freelance practice. Whether you’re developing a new project or want to enhance an existing one, this session will help you create more inclusive and impactful experiences for young people. Book here.

Sat 16 Nov, 10am-4pm (arrive 9:45am)
Safeguarding Training for the Dance Sector
Cheshire Dance, Winsford Library

Whether you’re a teacher, artist, workshop leader, practitioner or facilitator, safeguarding is your responsibility, and keeping yourself and your participants safe is your duty.  Our Safeguarding Training Workshop is designed to help you understand and feel comfortable and confident about the role of safeguarding in your work.

Led by Jane McLean, Creative Director at Cheshire Dance, the training covers a wide range of subjects within safeguarding and is a valuable CPD opportunity to help you feel empowered and incorporate best safeguarding practice into your work.

If you are a freelance artist, the workshop is free to attend. (If you are employed by an organisation, the cost for the one day workshop is £50.) Book here

Thur 28 Nov, 1pm – 3.30pm
Marketing and Promotion
Storyhouse, Chester

As a freelance artist/company you will need to create exciting marketing and promotional materials to promote your work, often liaising with venues to ensure you are able to provide them with the assets they need to sell your show. Join Storyhouse’s marketing and communication team to explore how to put together marketing and promotional materials for your work, where to invest your budget and what venues want and need to help sell your show. Book here

Thur 9 Jan, 1pm – 3.30pm
Pitching your work to partners, funders and commissioners
Storyhouse, Chester

As a freelance artist you will often be pitching a creative idea to a programmer, producer, Artistic/Creative Director or funder. Join us for this session where we will explore how best to talk about your idea, what sort of information organisations and funders look for and what are realistic timescales for getting your work from an idea to a live project. Book here

Thur 6 Feb, 1pm – 3.30pm
Fundraising for Freelance Artists
Theatre Porto, Ellesmere Port

Finding the right funding can be a game-changer for freelance artists. This session will explore key funding opportunities that are open to freelancers in the arts sector. We’ll take an in-depth look at current arts funders, share tips on crafting strong applications, and provide a space for you to bring any applications you’ve submitted or are working on. You’ll have the opportunity to receive feedback, discuss your ideas with peers, and leave with practical improvements to strengthen your chances of success. Whether you’re seeking project funding or support for your practice, this session is designed to help you navigate the world of arts fundraising.  Book here.

Thur 13 March, 1pm – 3.30pm
Evaluating Your Creative Arts Project
Theatre Porto, Ellesmere Port

As a freelance artist, evaluation is crucial, whether for your own learning and development or because you’ve been asked to evaluate your work on behalf of an organisation. In this session, we’ll explore practical tools to help you assess your projects, from setting clear aims to measuring outcomes and capturing feedback. You’ll learn how to understand what worked, what didn’t, and how to communicate your impact findings effectively, whether to inform future projects or satisfy the needs of your collaborators or funders.  Book here.


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