Cheshire Dance works with educational settings to deliver school improvement plans and to enrich the current curriculum framework through quality dance practises that add real value.
Cheshire Dance works within the community and in education settings to enrich young lives through dance. Dance & Young People forms an integral part of the principle Cheshire Dance Programme.
Cheshire Dance is the lead organisation of Dance Consortia North West, a powerful gathering of dance artists, companies, venues, universities and dance development organisations.
Cheshire Dance is a specialist in dance for people with PMLD. People with PMLD are participants in many of our regular dance and disability groups and as an organisation, we facilitate a practice sharing network for dancers across the UK who work with people with PMLD.
Creative Health Sessions at University of Chester (Nursing & Midwifery), in response to research from the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Arts, Health and Wellbeing (APPGAHW).