Our Work


Wanna Dance - Vivo Care Choices

Dance for people with PMLD

Cheshire Dance is a specialist in dance for people with PMLD. People with PMLD are participants in many of our regular dance and disability groups and as an organisation, we facilitate a practice sharing network for dancers across the UK who work with people with PMLD.
The artist is holding a tambourine above a man who is seated. Both have arms outstretched and joyful expressions.

Wanna Dance?

The Wanna Dance? programme sees service users of Vivo Care Choices with profound and complex disabilities take part in one-to-one face to face sessions with Cheshire Dance artists to explore how they might like to dance.
Young Creatives at Chester Pride

Young Creatives

Young Creatives is a creative opportunity for young people to connect with Queer History through creative weekly sessions.
A collage of photos depicting activities with older people and young children

Living Lives Together

The intergenerational Living Lives Together - Harmony Wheels Programme has been designed by Ready Generations and Cheshire Dance to provide an engaging set of imaginative provocations and invitations for all ages.
A large balloon-type figure in white parades the streets surrounded by crowds

Now Northwich Festival

Now Northwich is an annual flagship outdoor international dance and street arts festival from Producers Cheshire Dance and Partners

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