"Move with Us" is an initiative from Cheshire Dance, Bright Memories and Cheshire & Warrington Carers Trust. This dedicated session gives carers the time and space to move together for a healthier body and mind.
In partnership with Healthbox, Moving Matters is a session that allows space for you. Get your body and mind moving through a mixture of dance, yoga and stretching and meditation.
Moving Moments saw Cheshire Dance come together with local artist Rachel Almond to create beautifully designed pieces of art to inspire and encourage older adults in Cheshire West to stay active.
Moving Moments Together is a partnership project with Sanctuary Housing for older residents in Chester to support residents’ mental and physical health through movement and art.
Bringing older adults together for movement and dance. A fun, social and active group, Keep On Dancing is an engaging lead and follow session with a wide range of music from all eras.