The Westminster Foundation is an independent grantmaking trust and registered charity, representing the charitable interests of The Duke of Westminster and Grosvenor businesses.
We provide long-term sustainable help to vulnerable young people by working closely with organisations supporting families, schools and local communities.
This early intervention is critical to health, security and fulfilment. We focus our grant-making on inspiring children and young people (aged 0-25) in life’s early stages, giving them opportunities to thrive, build confidence and raise their aspirations.
There is often no quick fix. So, guided by local and national experts, we work right to the core of systemic issues before they take hold, trying to break the cycle of intergenerational inequality in urban and rural areas.
By doing so, we generate opportunities, wellbeing, education, inspiration, trust and instil confidence that no child or young person is in this alone.
To find out more, visit:
"Better lives are built on solid foundations"
Westminster Foundation
Project #2: Queer Histories is a youth led creative exhibition for young LGBTQ+ people in Chester